<aside> 🧠 Little Robert likes mathematics. Today his teacher has given him two integers and asked him to find out how many integers can divide both the numbers. Would you like to help him in completing his school assignment?


<aside> 🧠 In the peaceful village of Vowelville, villagers cherished a tradition of counting vowels, believing it brought good fortune. An old book, said to be a gift from a wise ancestor, recorded vowel counts for names. One sunny morning, young Alice discovered the ancient book filled with strings of letters and counting instructions. Eager to uphold the village tradition, Alice decided to follow these instructions and count the vowels.Your task is to help Alice in her quest. Write a program that counts the number of vowels in a given string.


<aside> 🧠 You have given a string. You need to remove all the duplicates from the string. The final output string should contain each character only once. The respective order of the characters inside the string should remain the same.


<aside> 🧠 Check if a list has any duplicates and return a new list without duplicates. (In Python, its a 1 line Answer)


<aside> 🧠 A palindrome is a string that reads the same from left to right as from right to left. For example, abacaba, aaaa, abba, racecar are palindromes.

You are given a string s consisting of lowercase Latin letters. The string s is a palindrome.

You have to check whether it is possible to rearrange the letters in it to get another palindrome (not equal to the given string s).





print YES if it is possible to rearrange the letters in the given string to get another palindrome. Otherwise, print NO


<aside> 🧠 There is an ATM machine. Initially, it contains a total of K units of money. N people (numbered 1 through N) want to withdraw money; for each valid i, the i-th person wants to withdraw A i units of money. The people come in and try to withdraw money one by one, in the increasing order of their indices. Whenever someone tries to withdraw money, if the machine has at least the required amount of money, it will give out the required amount. Otherwise, it will throw an error and not give out anything; in that case, this person will return home directly without trying to do anything else. For each person, determine whether they will get the required amount of money or not.

Test Input: 3 5 3 2 1 Output:11010


<aside> 🧠 Sahil and his friend Dev is standing on the X-axis at the points X1 and X2 respectively. Sahil moves one step forward each second (that is he moves to X1+1 after the 1st second, X1+2 after the 2nd second, and so on), whereas his friend Dev moves 2 steps forward each second (that is he moves to X2+2 after the 1st second, X2+4 after the 2nd second, and so on). You need to determine if Sahil will be able to meet his friend Dev or not. You can assume that Sahil and his friend Dev both keep on moving for a long indefinite amount of time and also that they move simultaneously.

Input: 7 1 Output: YES
